Boudoir session at Mt. Rainier with my dear friend, Andrea.
When the mountains call, one must answer. I find it best to answer in underwear.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT- this was my first time at Mt. Rainier and Andrea’s first time at Mt Rainier. Granted, both of us are not born and raised Washingtonians. Andrea from the great state of Alaska and myself born in Nevada. There we’re a good amount of years we had both had already been living in WA, an amount that still is shocking to of never visited Mt. Rainier, let alone have a boudoir session at Mt. Rainier.
To mark the occasion of our long awaited boudoir session at Mt. Rainier, we decided to make a little camping trip out of it! As you know, we do outdoor sessions here bright and early in the AM to avoid all the people. So we took the nice drive up the day before, Andrea set up her tent, I slept in my van, and we we’re ready for action in the morning!
When we woke up there was the brightest pink sunrise, we missed it for photos, but the vision of that color resides permanently in my head. I took a little stroll along where would be photographing, while Andrea continued to get ready in my van. #solarchargebaby
This damn mountain.
A boudoir session at Mt. Rainier really lived up to the hype in my brain that I thought it would always be. There is a different feeling in nature when you’re up that high. The crispness of the fall leaves and their vibrant colorings. The ice cold lake that’s as still and clear as it ever will be. And all that lush greenery, in pristine condition, not having been touched too many humans.
At one point, it started to lightly rain. Not too much to ruin Andrea’s amazing hair, but enough to create a beautiful, peaceful scene along the lake. This has to be number who knows what session Andrea and I have done together. From our first session out on the beach in Edmonds. (see that session here) To photographing out in Austin Texas, and everywhere else in Washington. A boudoir session at Mt. Rainier, at this specific mountain, has got to be one of the prettiest places we have ever photographed at.
Boudoir session in Mt. Rainier
It’s a spiritual experience to be out there, toes touching the earth, butt pressed against the cold rock, feeling the earth and connecting with our Mother in such a beautiful way. Honoring the land that has been here long before us, and will live on long after us. To preserve even just a little bit of time in deep spiritual connection with Earth, like having a boudoir session at Mt Rainier, is sacred and worth everything.
Come back soon for Pt 2 of this amazing boudoir session at Mt Rainer!
Thank you for this ancestral land that held us in a perfect location to safely create amongst the wild. The land we reside on is of the Cowlitz, Mukleshoot, Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island and the Coast Salish people.
If you’re interested in checking out some accessible parts of Mt. Rainer to visit or possibly photograph in, the I recommend checking out this website! Click here for website