Yes, you can bring your dog to your outdoor session. Let’s clear that up right away.
When Sean told me he wanted to do a session before taking a year sabbatical of exploring the world and country, I thought this guy knows what he’s doing. Not only is it so incredibly awesome and important to take time off for you and explore and travel, but then to also kick the journey off with a lot of self love is even better! This is like taking self care to a new level. Do some dudeoir then the leave the country, sounds like the best plan to me!
Taking care of yourself can manifest in many different forms. I believe having a session like this done, especially out in nature, is almost like medicine. Who would of ever knew taking photos in your underwear would literally change your life and how you see yourself. A dose of boudoir/dudeoir can do a person good, you should try it!
I don’t care if it’s a family session, a wedding or boudoir, YOU CAN BRING YOUR DOG. Don’t forget it <3